the trees are made of old exhaust pipe, transmision lines, welding rods, and a whole lot of beating and bending
bottom door for sweeping ashes into the fire box off the hearth
there are over 100 hours in them, and i've used about every technique i could think of - standard fab, metal shaping, black smithing, artistic arcing, etc. the trees are made of old exhaust pipe, transmission lines, and welding rods for smaller branches. it is a metal sculpture relief style. that is where the metal shaping came into play (lots of beating, hammering, bending and twisting). i used blacksmithing techniques for the small knobs on the bottom ash door.
bottom door for sweeping ashes into the fire box off the hearth
there are over 100 hours in them, and i've used about every technique i could think of - standard fab, metal shaping, black smithing, artistic arcing, etc. the trees are made of old exhaust pipe, transmission lines, and welding rods for smaller branches. it is a metal sculpture relief style. that is where the metal shaping came into play (lots of beating, hammering, bending and twisting). i used blacksmithing techniques for the small knobs on the bottom ash door.